Myanmar, Part 4: Inle Lake

Inle Lake, Myanmar–Na Phe Chaung Monastery Buddha

Let’s continue our visit to Myanmar’s lovely Inle Lake. As our longboats pulled into ourhotel dock, we had a very special welcoming committee. These adorable children dressed in colorful outfits greeted us with choruses of “Mingalabar!” and showers of rose petals. Turns out the children are from a nearby orphanage which Don visited during ourRead more

Siem Reap, Cambodia–Part 3

Siem Riep Cambodia–Bayan Buddhas.jpg

Now to finish up Cambodia. It’s amazing what we can accomplish in a day! Three temple sites in one morning, and our relatively early start meant we were done as the heaviest crowds arrived. The afternoon options included more temples but we’d had enough so opted to go to the markets to see and shop.Read more